Northpark Animal Hospital


Don’t Let Them Suffer in Silence: Recognizing and Treating Pet Pain
Health Tips
Helping your four-legged best friend when they’re in need is part and parcel of pet ownership. However, it’s not uncommon for illness or injury to go unnoticed – or undiagnosed. Many symptoms are obvious, but others can be extremely subtle, flying beneath the radar of even the most dedicated pet owners.

Is Pet Anxiety Common when Kids Go Back to School?
Health Tips
Pets immersed in all manner of family summer fun may feel like the rug’s been pulled out from under them when the academic year revs up. Indeed, there’s a common slump that household animals find themselves in when there’s no one to frolic with after breakfast, no sticky hands to lick after lunch, and no one to doze with before supper. Luckily, there are things you can do to ease symptoms of pet anxiety before the school year gets underway.

Dog Behavior: Pack Mentality and Dog Park Safety
Dog Behavior
Dog parks can be wonderful places for pets and their people to play, exercise, and cultivate an enduring friendship. Indeed, images of happy, carefree dogs frolicking in an open field come to mind – but the reality is often much different. Certain aspects of dog behavior preclude a safe, enjoyable experience, but a successful visit also hinges on a dog owner’s fully realized understanding of the pack mentality.